Written by Starshipit
Coast: bringing fulfilment technology into the 21st century
As sales technology becomes increasingly automated, businesses become more responsive, adaptable, competitive, and faster to market. But if you’re still licking stamps and handwriting addresses onto courier bags, you could be undoing all the good things automation is doing for your business. That’s exactly why Coast turned to Starshipit for help.
Founded in 2003, the luxury outdoor beanbag, canvas luggage and textile retailer quickly realised they needed help with the final part of the selling process. Everything else they did was capable of automation. When it came to fulfilment, though, shipping processes slowed right down and became very manual and error ridden.
Founder Alex Webster’s biggest frustration was that he was forced to use “19th-century technology” to solve fulfilment problems, despite living in an age where technology was enhancing every other part of his business.
“When you first start out, you’re so grateful for the orders you get that you’d be happy to deliver them yourself,” Alex says. “The moment they start to pile up you realise that manual processes are far too inefficient and there must be a better way.”
The ability to integrate Starshipit with other eCommerce platforms was what won Alex over in the first place. Starshipit integrates with more than 25 eCommerce platforms including Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, and Amazon, which means each platform can talk to each other, reducing time, hassle and hands-on work required. Order fulfilment automation helps Coast to eliminate shipping errors with documentation and addressing, and full transparency on the status of orders helps the team solve problems almost before they happen. Customers can track their orders from the moment they placed them which cuts down on customer service calls and makes the customer feel better about the online experience. In turn, this saves Coast a lot of time and money.
“Starshipit has delivered enormous productivity gains while virtually eliminating errors,” says Alex. “Moreover, it allows us to deliver a first-class customer experience, which is essential when selling high-value goods.”
Ready to give Starshipit a go yourself? Sign up for a free 30-day trial today.
Automate your entire shipping process while delivering better experiences for your customers.