6 Post-Purchase Email Examples You Should be Sending

6 Post-Purchase Email Examples You Should be Sending


Written by Starshipit

Post-purchase emails are your new secret weapon for happy customers and revenue targets.

Customers have all-time-high engagement immediately after purchasing while they wait for their order to arrive. This is your chance to keep them engaged with your brand! You can do this by building out an effective post-purchase email campaign.

By the end of this post, you’ll understand what post-purchase emails are, why you need them in your ecommerce strategy, and examples of what you should be sending and when after someone makes a purchase.

What are post purchase emails?

Post-purchase email campaigns are the emails you send out after someone has bought something from your ecommerce store. Customers are waiting for follow up emails after purchasing while they wait for delivery. This means that it is the perfect time to optimize engagement and customer loyalty strategies.

Post-purchase emails have potential to:

  • Invite customer into your brand community
  • Increase brand engagement
  • Keep customers informed of their order
  • Get positive reviews and feedback
  • Boost revenue

There isn’t a one-size fits all email campaign, but a few things you should consider include:

  • Recognizable branding
  • Information that is useful and personalized for the customer
  • Copy that encourages them to open the email
  • Clear CTAs if you want them to do something after they read it

However you approach your post-purchase email campaigns, make sure that they benefit the customer in some way as well as your revenue.

Purpose of post purchase email flows

Everything you do once a customer hits “buy” should build a positive rapport with them. 96% of customers think that customer service is crucial for brand loyalty, and loyal customers spend around 67% more than new customers.

Your post-purchase campaign is critical for building customer loyalty. It communicates that you are a trustworthy brand and they are worth more than just the sale. Steps like automating delivery updates show that you care about their experience shopping with you.

Post-purchase email campaigns can also benefit your brand. For example, 1 in 4 customers clicks on a product recommendation in a parcel tracking email. This has huge potential for upselling and reconverting customers.

Not only can you upsell to already-converted customers, follow up emails after purchase can encourage customers to leave reviews. Social proof and reviews are pivotal in growing your brand and getting happy customers to market for you.

Post-purchase email examples you should be sending to your customers

You can either send a couple of key emails or a full post-purchase campaign. To do this effectively, you will need a segmented audience and shipping integration software. If you are sending several emails, they need to give the customer a reason to open them!

A simple post-purchase email campaign example could look like:

  • Order confirmation
  • Order out for delivery
  • Product recommendations and upcoming sales
  • Order delivered email
  • Reminder to reorder

You should also have automatic shipping confirmations at every stage, which might have some of these details in the same email.

Let’s go through some of the best post-purchase email examples you could be sending. Remember that it’s not one size fits all and you should play around with what is most effective.

The order confirmation

Immediately after purchase, send a confirmation email. This will give customers everything they need to know and reduce post-purchase anxiety.

You should include details like:

  • Their order number
  • Confirm their address
  • Tell them how to contact you if there are issues
  • Include tracking details for when order is out for delivery
  • State an expected delivery timeframe

All of these details will reinforce that their purchase is good to go and you are there to make sure it is all correct.

What is the best shipping software for eCommerce stores

The thank you for your purchase email

Once your order is out for delivery, you can send another post-purchase confirmation email. This will have the same tracking and order details as the first one, but you could also include thank you notes and CTAs to follow on social media for example.

Inject your branding into these kinds of emails! Make it fun to open and instantly recognizable with copy and visual branding.

Product recommendations

Post-purchase campaigns are a great opportunity to upsell and recommend other products. 1 in 4 customers click on a recommended product when they check an order tracking email.

This could be sent as part of your order confirmation, or within a couple of days of dispatch.

The most important part of sending the product recommendation email is that your email list needs to be segmented, targeted and personalised. Setting up segmented audiences and keeping track of what customers buy in their account will increase the chance of clicks.

Person online shopping using an eCommerce platform

Product review request

A few days after the expected delivery date or order delivered email, you should send a follow up email to ask for a review.

To increase the chance of them responding, consider offering a discount in exchange for a review of the product. Remember you have to balance their needs with yours!

In the product review request email you could also re-explain your returns policy and how to educational guides. Basically anything that contributes to their experience with the product once it arrives.

Replenishment reminder

Selling something that people need on a regular basis? You should have a replenishment reminder email in your post-purchase campaign! Give them some sort of incentive to order it in advance or on a subscription basis.

You should schedule this email maybe 3-4 weeks after their original purchase. Like the product recommendation email, you will need to segment and target your audience for this post-purchase strategy.

Order updates

Regardless of what post-purchase emails you are sending, you should send automatic order updates at every step. 96% of customers track some or all of their orders while they wait for them to arrive.

If you want a super simple post-purchase strategy, you can always use a branded tracking page through Starshipit.

This has everything in one place for your customers. Through one link, they can see exactly where their order is, how they can process returns, as well as your social links and upcoming sales.

This is how you deliver the best post-purchase experience. A branded tracking page helps you capitalize on post-purchase marketing without doing any extra work!

Simplify Your Post-Purchase Email Strategy With Starshipit

Your post-purchase emails campaign is the key to engaged customers and higher revenue potential. With Starshipit, you can send automatic delivery updates and post-purchase emails to your customers so you can maximize the time they spend in your online space!

Starshipit’s plug and play shipping solution integrates with your eCommerce, inventory management software, and over 40 couriers.

Whether it’s dispatch, checkout, or post-purchase customer engagement, Starshipit’s feature-set automates every step of the fulfilment process.

Book a call with our Success Team to help you ship the smart way, so you can grow faster. Or, start your free 30-DAY trial (no credit card required).

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